Events & Performances

Chinese New Year Company Event

At a company event celebrating Chinese New Year, Showfu conducted calligraphy sessions to introduce Chinese Calligraphy to participants from diverse backgrounds. Each participant was guided in basic brush techniques and created "春" (Spring) pieces. A competition, one of the main events of the occasion, was held to see who wrote the best "春"!

Performance 1 "龍"

Performance at end-of-the-year private party

At a New Year's Eve celebration event, Showfu did a performance piece of the Chinese character for "dragon", the zodiac sign for 2024, just before the countdown. Amidst delicious food and drinks, as well as music creating a relaxed ambiance, the guests bid farewell to the vibrant year of 2023 with a dynamic performance by Showfu and welcomed the new year in style.

L100 x W100, Ink on rice paper

Performance 2 "唯心"

A special collaboration with a wine company

In her exhibition "Crossroad", Showfu did a performance piece before the audience using red wine as ink. She chose the word "唯心", which represents the belief that all existence is a manifestation of the mind, and only the mind is the true essence of existence. Thus, her calligraphy is also a manifestation of her mind and spirit.

L180 x W120, Wine on rice paper