
These artworks are available for sale. If you would like to make a purchase, please reach out to us at the Contact page, or drop us a DM via Instagram.

  • 研 Hone your skills

    研 (・無・游)
    Hone your skills(・till you get unconsciously・Playful)

  • 無 Unconscious

    (研)・無 (・游)
    (Hone your skills・till you get) unconsciously (・Playful)

  • 游 Playful [SOLD]

    (研・無・) 游
    (Hone your skills・till you get unconsciously・) Playful

Daily training is essential in calligraphy. From classical works penned by calligraphy masters more than a thousand year ago, I strive to feel their brushstrokes and breath, interpreting their creations. This process becomes part of my blood and flesh, gradually allowing me to wield their techniques unconsciously. Only when it becomes a part of me, can I believe that playful calligraphy emerges. I acknowledge that I have a long journey ahead to reach that level, but I am currently enjoying and savoring every step of the process.

  • 人 a Person ①

  • 人 a Person ②

  • 人 a Person ③

人+人+人=円 (縁)

a Person + a Person + a Person = a Circle

This artwork consists of three parts, each representing the character "人" (person).
Each individual has their own quirks, unique traits, and personality, which is wonderful in itself. However, when three people come together, an invisible circle (縁) is formed, creating a powerful force. Furthermore, as more people gather, a greater force is born.

  • 勧酒 Farewell toast 1 (楷書)

  • 勧酒 Farewell toast 2 (行草)

勧酒 A farewell toast

by 于武陵 Yu Wu-ling

勘君金屈巵 Encourage you to fill the golden wine cup,
満酌不須辞 No need for elaborate words with each full pour.
花発多風雨 Amidst blooming flowers, there's much wind and rain
人生足別離 In life, farewells are abundant enough.

As lives intersect and create wonderful encounters, there are moments when parting is inevitable. It is with this realization that we should cherish and enjoy the present moment we share together.

scroll pieces

A once-in-a-lifetime chance


Despite the repetition of similar daily routines, each moment is unique and occurs only once.
Each brushstroke is a one-time occurrence, and these brushstrokes connect to form a single flow, resulting in a unique piece of art—something that cannot be written or encountered again. As a crystallization of time that will never be repeated, I present this piece to you.

medium pieces H60 x W60 cm

Uplifted heart


The heart is constantly swaying, and as long as we are alive, no emotion is truly final. Like ink spreading in water and soaking into paper, emotions can expand and converge. That's why we should cherish moments that brighten and uplift us, connecting those feelings to the future.

Blooming mind

Vibrant colors are delightful, but the subtle hues that gently reveal the life journey and values a person has walked are equally captivating.



Reflecting on this year. '転生' means to be born again, and by extension, to completely transform one's environment or way of life. Through the pandemic, societal dynamics have undergone a radical shift.

Simultaneously, my own life has reached a turning point and undergone a significant change. However, the new beginning doesn't imply starting from scratch; rather, it is a hopeful evolution, providing new direction from the past.

The road I've come

So far, my path has crossed with the paths of others, and it will continue to do so. While the future remains unknown, the path I have walked is clear, chosen amid uncertainties, leaving distinct footprints behind.

Thank you for visiting my gallery coming to see the path I have walked and encountering my artworks.

  • 無 nothing
  • 舞 dance

  • 激 vigorous

  • 外 outside

  • 響 resonage

  • 養 nurish

  • 素 plain

  • 房 chamber

  • 欧陽詢 温彦博碑

  • 鄧石如 崔子玉座右銘

  • 王羲之 蘭亭序